Unmasking the Shadows: Exploring the Controversial Presence of Racial Themes in Derpibooru’s Pony Images

Dezember 11, 2023

For those immersed in the fandom across various platforms, the mention of the imageboard derpibooru undoubtedly evokes recognition. Housing millions of images spanning diverse themes, the platform caters to a broad spectrum.

And when I say „all kinds,“ we I it emphatically. This encompasses explicit sexual content, images laden with violence, and at times, a disturbing fusion of both. It extends further into realms of overt racism, as evidenced by the popularity of a ponysona explicitly inspired by Nazi ideology, as previously discussed.

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Aryanne: When an innocent Fandom Meets the Shadows of Nazi Symbolism

November 29, 2023

Aryanne, a pony OC adorned with a yellow mane and white fur, is a disturbing character known for featuring the swastika—a symbol that is legally prohibited in certain countries.

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